2011 was a very good year for us : At 12.31.2011, we celebrate our 500.000th download on the Windows Phone Marketplace. We’ve begun developing on february with our cool LED application : e-LeD Me but success is really appeared in August with our game Pong7. Thanks to your comments, we see that you enjoy our 16 applications as PianoPhone7, Maze7, Astronoid, e-BubbleBreaker… Since that time, thousands of you trust us and love our work. For our AppHub statistics, see the picture below
We’ve also introduce in October MS Pubcenter in our apps. This allows us to monetize our work and so enable us to offer more and more programs on your favorite phone. In three months, we won 1600 € (development is fortunately not our full time job 😉 but this is only the beginning! See you in a few days for our new creation: Theremin7 (a great emulation of a Theremin) and mainly : Thank you Microsoft for that great Phone OS and very Happy New Year 2012!
See our MS Pubcenter account for 3 months :